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Hawkish Fed and Hot Data

This week on Galaxy Brains, Galaxy Head of Firmwide Research, Alex Thorn, is joined by Beimnet Abebe from Galaxy Trading to discuss the latest developments in the U.S. monetary policy, the implications of the recent CPI and PPI data, and how these factors are driving a major repricing across the U.S. yield curve. They also cover the effects of geopolitical tensions and market reactions, with a special focus on Bitcoin’s performance and its unique role as a potential hedge in today’s economic landscape. Alex also sits down with Sam Callahan, Senior Analyst at Swan, to unravel the dynamics of Bitcoin cycles and the implications of the upcoming halving. Together, they examine Bitcoin’s trading behaviors, historical price trends, and future projections. They also discuss broader economic factors, including ETFs and global macroeconomic influences, highlighting their potential impact on the crypto landscape. Listen to the full episode here.